September Vibes

Being famous on Instagram is like being rich in Monopoly.

— Anonymus

Just one more sun-kissed selfie,  we pick the best one from the heap of 125 other selfies that we made; we choose the best filter at the speed of light and simultaneously we add the most appropriate descriptions to our photo: #ilovemylife and #summer, we smile because we know that this time we have really hit on it, a quick post on Instagram, on Facebook…etc… and then we relax, sit back and wait. Satisfaction. That’s what we feel. We can hardly wait for 2 minutes before we get so excited that we simply cannot wait any longer and we grab our mobile to check how many likes we have received. NONE. Panic sets in. With shaking hands we check the settings on our profile, maybe “our friends” can’t see the post, but we have to realize that they actually can. Quick text message to our sister begging for a like. We check our photo again, and we don’t like it anymore, and even worse, we see ourselves ugly and we are on the way to remove it when the first like finally arrives. We are safe.  The world has turned upside down, hasn’t it? We measure each other on how many virtual friends , followers and likes we have. Isn’t it crazy that if we want to be truly unique there is nothing complicated about it: we simply need to read a book or send a postcard to someone, go home on foot instead of hopping on a tram or a bus or just to smile instead of  complaining about tiny little things. Recently I have read a pretty awesome quote somewhere which said: “Being famous on Instagram is like being rich in Monopoly”. Slowly but surely we are going to realize that the virtual world is indeed superficial.
The September edition of Vibes is inviting you to meet real people. Vibes has also prepared 2 new chapters for you: Vibes Man (not intended for men only) and Popcorn where you can read all about the best upcoming movies. Aaaaaaannnnnnd this month we will show you the coolest place on Earth: the city of Kiskunhalas, Hungary. Ready?



Editor in Chief

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